At St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School Marrickville we celebrate diversity by providing a range of co-curricular activities that enable students to explore their interests and develop their gifts.

Sport is an important part of St Brigid’s. Students engage in sports lessons provided by specialist teachers and engage in football, gymnastics, Oz Tag, and swimming just to name a few. Our school sports shed is well supplied with sports equipment used for events like carnivals, but also for daily physical activities during lunch breaks.
Our student leaders organize daily sports tournaments using our soccer and basketball fields.
In addition to this, the school is part of the Sydney Catholic Schools Inter School Sports Program where students from Years 3-6 participate in sports competitions like football and oz tag against other network schools
The school also provides out-of-school sports opportunities for interested families on the school site.

St Brigid’s commenced the Amadeus program in 2022. All students in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to learn an instrument of their choice at school. Students are involved in small group tutorials and ensemble groups. Opportunities are provided to high potential students to be extended in their chosen instrument. In addition to this, all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are engaged in dynamic and energetic music lessons.

St Brigid’s students are active participants in the environment. Our student leaders lead sustainability initiatives and protect our environment. They organize composting, beehives and recycling around our community. They raise awareness of current issues to help educate our students to care for our planet. We have an active Planet Protectors parent group, who work with the school in raising environmental awareness.

St Brigid’s commenced the Japanese Program in 2018. Students across the school from Kindergarten to Year 6 are engaged in a very vibrant Japanese Program. Students learn about foods common to Japanese cooking through researching each meal during the day. They explore traditions around food in Japan and also explore the seasons and festivals and create haiku for each season including its weather. Students learn sushi making and Japanese Drumming.

St Brigid’s students engage and explore Art in Various mediums. Our outstanding art facilities allow students to be creative and work collaboratively in design and make. Students explore sculpture and clay making, they engage in art appreciation and stop motion animation, clay making , painting and sketching and manipulation of many mediums.
In addition to this, as part of our Newman Program, identified high potential students participate in enrichment programs working with Artists in Residence and collaborating with students across other schools and networks.

St Brigid’s students are taught eLearning schools through our teacher librarian, who assists students in the digital space. They do a plethora of activities such as research, animation and learning to use multimedia.
Staff at St Brigid’s integrate the digital technologies into their daily teaching, through activities such as working Lego robotics, Spheros, digital platforms, the green screen and various types of media platforms. Our school is A BYODD school where students are required to use their own iPad in Year 3-6.
The school also has a plethora of iPads and laptops so that students are exposed to all digital mediums.
Education around cyber bullying and responsible digital citizenship is a requirement in all classrooms.